Tuesday 21 February 2017

One Big Apology...

It's crazy how things escalate quickly.

Last year I had a plan for this blog. I had schedules and posts written. I was going to be organised, and post regularly, and just be really really organised.

And then The Mr proposed to me!

↑ Not the Mr! ↑

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Vauxhal City Farm

If you live outside London, and in particular in the countryside, it can be hard to imagine that there is any sort of wildlife in the City. Sometimes even a urban dweller like me gets shocked at just how much wildlifey (technical term) stuff there's is. There are numerous parks and random bits of green with animals plonked in. As for city farms, there are apparently 16, according to time out...

Sunday 6 March 2016


Me and my Mum at my graduation :)

First off mothers, I hope you are all having a wonderful and spoilt day! Remember, you are awesome!! Even when you plop little Sally and Bobby down in front of cbeebies so you can secretly chug some rioja,  wash up the dishes in peace, YOU ARE AMAZING! We've had a very casual day, lovely breakfast at the park cafe and a nice walk with the dog (so aside from the eggs, pretty much the same as every other day). The tiny man is actually not feeling well today so he's been asleep all afternoon, which has been quite a calm and lazy day for mummy!

Sunday 14 February 2016

My "new years" resolution!

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Morden Hall Park Life

HANDS UP, who's loving this summer weather?!?!

Doesn't it make you just want to be outside?

HELLS YEAH it does!

Sunday 14 June 2015


For those of you who know me, they will know how much of an effort this is! There may even be some laughter, mockery, or downright disbelief.

Friday 1 May 2015

My Fashion Rules.

At about 4 months post D-day I decided it was probably best I stopped moping about in my maternity jeans (which had to be pulled back up every time I moved), waiting for my figure to "settle" and actually sort out my clothes to see what fit and what no longer fit me. Besides the clothes I was wearing at the time this was the result which I posted on Instagram: